Glock guns.....what the heck are you talking about, this is a camping gear blog! That's right it is, but there are two reasons why I'm talking about Glock guns tonight. First, I'm a cop and you can't take the police gear out of me! Secondly, Glock guns are very popular among hunters and campers. So for the latter reason, I'm going to profile the Glock guns a little and tell you how to find a good store to buy your Glock from.
Glocks have been around for a while and are very popular among police officers. They are very accurate and relaible. With those two reasons they are also popular among campers and hunters. While you might not want to think the campers in the next site over from you are carrying a gun, they might be for safety reasons. You never know when that bear is going to come to your site.
Glocks come in all types of calibers; Glock 40, Glock 9mm, and Glock 45. They come in several different sizes. Some of the most popular Glock guns are the Glock 22, Glock 27, and Glock 30. All of the Glocks are great handguns. If a cop trusts his life with them, shouldn't you trust them on your camping trip?!
Where do you buy a Glock gun at? Most police equipment stores carry Glock handguns. When buying a Glock, make sure you do it legally. There are fees to registering guns and if they advertise no fees it isn't a legal registration. Also, don't buy a used gun unless you know the person. Used guns can only be problems.