Friday, February 27, 2009

Camping gear stores in Bend, Oregon

Bend, Oregon is near some of the most beautiful campgrounds. They also have two of the best camping gear stores in Oregon, Pine Mountain Sports and REI- Recreational Equipment Inc. Best Camping Gear Reviews highly recommends those two camping equipment stores.

Pine Mountain Sports
255 SW Century Drive
Bend, Oregon 97702

Pine Mountain Sports is one of Oregon’s leading camping gear, skiing gear, biking gear, and outdoor clothing supplier. They carry top of the line brands and offer some of the best advice. Some of the popular brands that they carry are Sierra Design sleeping bags, Kelty camping tents, Dutch ovens, and Saloman skis.

REI- Recreational Equipment Inc.
380 SW Powerhouse Drive
Bend, Oregon 97702

We already know that REI is one the best camping equipment stores and have profiled them in a few different cities. The REI in Bend, Oregon is no different. They carry all the top of the line camping gear and offer great customer service.